The Future of the Metaverse
Every day, Jonathan at Metaverse News reads a number of fascinating articles regarding web3 and the metaverse. However, some are more captivating than others. And when I read research from the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies on potential future metaverse scenarios, my mind was blown.
This article series draws extensively from the research conducted by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies but has been revised and updated
Part 1
What is the metaverse?
The phrase “Metaverse” has skyrocketed in popularity over the past year, as the Metaverse has emerged as the next big thing following mobile internet. However, the term is frequently thrown around without being defined, and even when one is provided, it is sometimes fairly nebulous, making it difficult to tease apart its connotations.
The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies considers the Metaverse to be a topic worthy of further exploration in light of the futures to come. They find it more fruitful to define what it could become in the future than what it is now.
Part 2
The Free Metaverse
With the goal of creating a new decentralized, interoperable go-to interface to the internet, groups of interested individuals (some non-profit, others for-profit) band together to build a Metaverse that combines the real world with a collective virtual universe employing XR technology. For seamless transactions across the Metaverse, this scenario makes use of blockchain technologies, which permit decentralized proof of ownership of digital and physical assets (via NFTs and smart contracts), and native support of cryptocurren- cies, including as a’masked’ underlying currency that is converted in real-time into the user’s preferred (local or international) currency. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) hold many of the major brands in this future scenario, and new “Web3-native brands” have developed to become the largest and most powerful in the world…
Part 3
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